Monday, May 24, 2010

Slap it together??

So, I have been thinking about starting a blog about what I cook for my family. Everyone always seems to be asking what I'm cooking! I thought this would be an easy, fun way to post recipes, give tips, and help my friends avoid making some of the recipes I've tried that have totally bombed! I have a feeling some of you are going to be suprised (and not in a good way) that I'm not an Iron Chef every night!! Some nights we just have Zatarain's jambalaya with turkey sausage. You just have to slap it together sometimes!!

I bet you're also wondering how "slap it together" came about. I made a very innocent post on Facebook about how I had managed to slap together a yummy, healthy dinner one night. Hilarity ensued. Somehow, I have surrounded myself with hilarious, sarcastic, fantastic women who crack me up all the time. With all the comments that followed, my slapped together dinner became the next Food Network show called "Slap It Together with Emily". My signature move would be to stand on a chair and slap my behind while introducing my obviously classy new show. HA!

Hope you like the recipes...please comment and add anything great you've tried lately. I'm ALWAYS up for a good new recipe!!!